
Sola Lufkin

Product Designer,iDentalk

Hey there, I'm a sola. I'm working at iDentalk in ChengDu,China. I used to be a pythoner, I and my two teammates setup iDentalk which provided service between dentists & their patients .Now I try to make my way to the Design world gradually. I'm always having a big crush on design, especially the web front-end design.I will try my best to make my works amazing enough.

Showcase - Some Character Sketchs

Authored by Sola




—— 給我哥们儿畫的這張,算是這次我最滿意的一副了。不過她盡然抱怨我把她畫瘦了!那我下次就毫不客氣原“胖”還原好了。

—— 不得不說這個妹子的這身睡袍太有型,忍不住偷拍下來,就這麼成了速寫素材

—— 為了搜集素材,我已經無下限的各種偷拍陌生妹子了,原諒我~

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